
Archive for Events


International Religious Freedom in an Age of Nationalism

Please join us for a discussion with Mustafa Akyol , author of “Islam Without Extremes: and Senior Fellow at the Freedom Project at Wellesley College; Brian Grim, founding President of the Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, and Co-editor of the World Religion Database; and Daniel Mark , Chairman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Villanova University. Sponsored…

Nothing about us without us: Putting refugees at the center of cause lawyering

The shortcomings of the international humanitarian response architecture, traditionally reactionary and top-down in nature, have been put to the test by the recent rise of of people on the move.  Affected communities of refugees are now beginning to challenge hierarchies of access and urging humanitarian actors to put those most affected at the center of policymaking.  At this event, Sana Mustafa, Founding…

Current Issues in Humanitarian Disarmament: Targeting, Toxicity, Technology, and Trade

The directors of four civil society campaigns will examine how the humanitarian approach to disarmament has influenced their work and how they have adapted it to respond to contemporary challenges. They will discuss efforts to curb the urban use of certain explosive weapons, reduce the environmental impacts of armed conflict, preempt new technology that could autonomously make life-and-death decisions, and…