Daniel Levine-Spound
Clinical Teaching Fellow
Supervising Attorney, HLS Advocates for Human Rights
Lecturer on Law
Daniel Levine-Spound is a Clinical Teaching Fellow at the International Human Rights Clinic. His work focuses on international humanitarian law, international law pertaining to the non-use of force (jus ad bellum), the protection of civilians in armed conflict, and LGBTQ rights.
Most recently, Daniel was a Program Fellow at Harvard Law School’s Program on International Law and Armed Conflict (PILAC), where his research focused on climate change and the protection of the environment in armed conflict. Daniel also spent three and a half years as a United Nations Peacekeeping Researcher at the Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC). Based in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Daniel led CIVIC’s research and advocacy on the UN Peacekeeping Missions in the DRC and South Sudan. His writing addressed topics relevant to peacekeeping and the protection of civilians in both countries, including peacekeeping mission transitions, armed group dynamics, and the UN’s implementation of the Human Rights Due Diligence Policy (HRDDP).
Prior to joining CIVIC, Daniel attended Harvard Law School, where he co-authored a book on the criminalization of homosexuality in Tunisia. Before law school, Daniel spent two years in Tunis, where he worked for the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies and published articles as a freelance writer. In addition to his Juris Doctor from Harvard, Daniel holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Comparative Literature from Brown University.