group photo of IHRC team

About Us

The International Human Rights Clinic seeks to advance the protection and realization of human rights around the world while training the next generation of advocates through clinical education. The Clinic serves as partner and legal advisor to a wide range of human rights and civil rights organizations in the United States and globally. Working closely with clinical supervisors, law students take the lead on lawyering and advocating for human rights across a range of thematic and geographic areas, using a variety of skills that reflect the diverse modes of human rights practice.

Meet the Team

We are human rights attorneys, advocates, and activists with a passion for teaching and mentoring our students. Each of us brings years of experience to our clinical practice, drawn from the many settings where we worked before joining this community, including small grassroots NGOs, large international NGOs, government, the United Nations, and law firms, and further developed in IHRC itself. As established experts in the field, we also produce cutting-edge scholarship on a range of human rights-related topics and contribute to conferences, symposia, and the media.