Just got word from Daniel Saver JD ’12: everyone on the clinical team made it into the U.S. Supreme Court for oral argument on Kiobel. Given all the buzz around this case, there were real questions as to whether that would happen. Susan, Tyler, and Marissa Vahlsing JD ’11 already had tickets. But it took several hours of waiting for Daniel, Yonina Alexander JD ’12, Poppy Alexander JD ’12, and Russell Kornblith JD ’12, to get theirs.

According to an email from Daniel, the group settled into line last night around 11:30 pm. Minutes later, by chance, they ran into Meghan Morris JD ’08, whom Daniel described in the email—with exclamation points, of course—as an HRP legend. Nobody slept last night, he said—they were huddled together for warmth.
Stay tuned for more Kiobel updates.