
Publications Found


Amicus Curiae Brief on Behalf of International Law Scholars

in Presbyterian Church of Sudan v. Talisman Energy, Inc. International Human Rights Clinic. Tyler Giannini, Susan Farbstein, et al.

Amicus Curiae Brief on Behalf of Torture Survivors

in Samantar v. Yousuf. International Human Rights Clinic Counsel: Tyler Giannini, Susan Farbstein, et al.

Prosecuting Apartheid-Era Crimes?: A South African Dialogue on Justice

Co-authors: Susan Farbstein, Tyler Giannini, Samantha Bent, and Miles Jackson

Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights in Zimbabwe: Options for Constitutional Protection

Joint publication: International Human Rights Clinic, National Constitutional Assembly, Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights

Digging in the Dirt: Child Miners in Sierra Leone’s Diamond Industry

International Human Rights Clinic

Good Faith Negotiations Leading to Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons: Request for an Advisory Opinion from the International Court of Justice

Joint publication: International Human Rights Clinic, International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Weapons

Crimes in Burma

International Human Rights Clinic. Lead authors: Tyler Giannini, Julianne Kerr Stevenson, María Alejandra Cárdenas Ceron, and Anna Lamut

A Dying Practice: Use of Cluster Munitions by Russia and Georgia in August 2008

Human Rights Watch. Lead author: Bonnie Docherty

An Environmental Right for Future Generations: Model State Constitutional Provisions and Model Statute

International Human Rights Clinic, Science and Environmental Health Network

Ntsebeza Amended and Consolidated Complaint

in In Re South African Apartheid Litigation. International Human Rights Clinic. Counsel: Tyler Giannini, Susan Farbstein, et al.