Last week, James Tamboer, a plaintiff in the In re South African Apartheid Litigation, passed away. This month also marks the 15th Anniversary of Black October in Bolivia, when scores were killed and hundreds injured by security forces, which inspired the groundbreaking Mamani litigation in the United States. More than 20 years ago, lawyers began litigating corporate accountability in light of human rights in the case Doe v. Unocal.
Join Judith Chomsky, Cooperating Attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights, Thomas Becker JD’08, Clinical Instructor at the International Human Rights Clinic, and Tyler Giannini, Clinical Professor and Director of the Human Rights Program and International Human Rights Clinic, for a discussion about the survivors behind these impact litigation cases and the state of U.S. human rights litigation since Jesner v. Arab Bank. Panelists will discuss how these human rights cases fit into long term struggles for justice, and how the plaintiffs’ resolve keeps cases like these going for a decade or more. Imani Franklin JD’19 and Krista Oehlke JD’20 will moderate the panel.
Sponsored by the International Human Rights Clinic.